Navigating Patients Across the Entire Health Network

Care Continuity’s suite of patient navigation programs is designed to provide immediate impact to your health system, ensuring patients who enter your network reach the downstream care that they need.

With purpose-built software that leverages AI and machine learning to maximize the efficiency of a mature patient navigation program, Care Continuity can successfully navigate 3.5x more patients than traditional methods.

After 10 years of experience navigating millions of patients, Care Continuity has built a machine learning platform that optimizes both the “who” and the “how” of patient navigation.

Whether it be person-to-person, chatbot, or a mix of both, our technology platform combined with our team of experienced patient navigators guide your patients through their care journey with compassion and care.

The result is seamless care journey for the patients, reduced outmigration from your aligned provider network, robust service line growth and higher patient and provider satisfaction.

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Post-ED Discharge Patient Navigation

Reduce Patient Outmigration | Increase Service Line Growth | Decrease Avoidable ED Returns

Care Continuity’s Post-ED Discharge Patient Navigation program improves the strength of your provider network and increases service line growth while ensuring that your patients have an optimal experience throughout their care journey.

For patients recently discharged from the emergency department, navigating the rest of their care journey can be a daunting task. While automated text messages and online scheduling may help, the fact is that they offer convenience rather than navigation. As a result, frustrated patients leak out of the network and may seek care wherever they can.

Leveraging software powered by AI and machine learning, Care Continuity prioritizes patients most in need of navigation and provides timely and appropriate follow-up after an ED discharge. By navigating the right patients at the right time, Care Continuity reduces avoidable ED return visits, improves physician engagement, and enhances the utilization of your aligned provider network.

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Client Impact with Post-ED Discharge Patient Navigation

average volume increase to profitable service lines
in avoidable repeat ED visits
of patients navigated to top tier of affiliate network

Specialty Referral Optimization

Unlock Valuable Insights | Increase Profitable Speciality Volumes | Improve Referral Completion Rates

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Care Continuity’s Specialty Referral Optimization program leverages machine learning algorithms to prioritize referrals and optimize patient flow through your specialty network. This allows referral coordinators to work on the highest priority cases first and to “load-balance” scheduling to ensure patients are seen at the right time and in the right setting.  

In addition, we gather important data about the patient’s care journey and deliver advanced dashboards and analytics to measure the strength of your provider network and provide key insights into potential gaps. Our analytics dive into important service line metrics such as appointment completion rates, referral-to-procedure rates, leakage metrics and more. 

The result is higher appointment completion rates, specialist schedules becoming more “balanced” with emphasis on high need patients, and increased visibility into potential bottlenecks or vulnerabilities in your provider network. 

Client Impact with Specialty Referral Optimization Patient Navigation

in referral completion rates
in median time to appointment
to appointment backlogs

Inpatient Post-Discharge Patient Navigation

Reduce Readmission Risks | Leverage Machine Learning for Scalability | Improve Patient Experience

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Care Continuity’s Inpatient Post-Discharge Patient Navigation program reduces readmission rates, improves quality, and lowers the cost of care.

Leveraging purpose-built software that uses AI and machine learning to prioritize patients most in need of post-discharge navigation, our team of expertly trained patient navigators provides hands-on support and ensures that discharge instructions are followed and recommended follow-up appointments are scheduled.

With this solution, health systems see a reduction in inpatient readmission rates and patients see an enhanced experience navigating their care journey.

Client Impact with Inpatient Post-Discharge Patient Navigation

in avoidable IP readmissions
of high-risk patients have appointments within 14 days
in avoidable ED visits after IP discharge

Custom Patient Navigation Program

Achieve Strategic Goals | Support FFS or VBC Initiatives | Maximize Your Care Network

Care Continuity was built to meet the navigational needs of health systems of any size looking to achieve strategic goals.

By combining advanced technology with personalized care coordination, Care Continuity optimizes patient navigation, improves network performance, and enhances overall patient experience. Whether through custom technology licensing, outsourced care concierge services, or a hybrid approach, we tailor our solutions to meet the unique challenges and goals of each client.

In addition, Care Continuity works with payers, ACOs, and other care-focused organizations to enhance their network and improve member satisfaction.

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