Over 10 Years of Patient Navigation for Leading Healthcare Organizations

Used By More than 100 Hospitals, ACOs & Health Plans

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For Hospitals & Health Systems

Improve Patient Satisfaction | Drive Service Line Growth | Increase In-Network Care

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Allow your network to function as a network

Care Continuity’s patient navigation solution acts as an air traffic control system for your entire health care ecosystem. Combining the power of machine learning, with a best-in-class patient navigation platform and expertly trained patient navigators, Care Continuity closes gaps in your patient’s care journey, seamlessly managing transitions of care and ensuring that downstream care remains in the aligned network of providers, driving service line growth, while providing convenience and assurance to your patients.

How Care Continuity works with hospitals and health systems

Care Continuity solves the challenges of patient navigation for robust and complex health systems. Utilizing a purpose-built software solution, Care Continuity’s patient navigation program matches the requirements of varied patient populations, reimbursement structures (from value-based care to fee-for-service and everything in between), and provider networks. 

Informed by over 10 years of navigating more than two million patients for leading health systems across the nation, Care Continuity’s software optimizes your patient navigation program, making it possible to successfully navigate more patients with less outreach. 

Care Continuity combines robust software with a compassionate, expertly trained team of patient navigators that act as an extension of your internal staff, removing the burden of scheduling and navigating from your staff and your patients. 

Why your current patient navigation program is falling short

Today, health systems are relying on navigational methods that are not only suboptimal, but also have the potential to negatively impact the network and patient satisfaction. 

EMR’s were not designed to meet the demands of a mature patient navigation program, forcing health systems to navigate 2.5 to 3.6 times more patients to get the same result as a purpose-built patient navigation program. Internally staffed patient navigation programs typically consist of clinical resources, making it challenging for them to operate at the top of their license. And patient self-navigation methods have historically underperformed, placing more burden on the patient and their family, reducing patient satisfaction.

For Physician Groups & ACOs

Fewer acute patient events | Manage referral network | Execute on evidence-based protocols

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Ensure patients get the right care at the right time

Care Continuity navigates physician group and ACO patients throughout their care journey, ensuring referrals are completed, acute events are reduced, and burden is removed from patients and family members. With purpose-built software designed to navigate patients across even the most complex network by leveraging AI and machine learning, physician groups and ACOs get a comprehensive view of patient flow and health with in-depth data dashboards that unlock key network insights. 

How Care Continuity works with physician groups and ACOs

Providing a robust referral management solution that integrates disparate EMRs, reduces acute patient events such as ED bounce backs and inpatient readmissions, and provides high-quality, white-glove patient navigation services, Care Continuity strengthens the network integrity of physician groups and ACOs. 

In addition to combining purpose-built software with expertly trained patient navigators, Care Continuity programs include veteran program managers that use their decades of experience in healthcare management to maximize program return and provide strategic advice for network optimization and growth. 

For Health Plans & Payers

Improve member engagement | Increase member satisfaction | Reduce unnecessary utilization

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Improve member satisfaction and STAR ratings with patient navigation

Care Continuity’s work with health plans and payers starts with promoting positive member experiences. From reducing acute events, supporting better care highlighted by increased transparency, and providing compassionate, one-to-one concierge services throughout the patient’s care journey, Care Continuity’s patient navigation solution promotes increased profitability for health plans and payers while working to improve overall STAR ratings. 

How Care Continuity works with health plans & payers

Leveraging cloud-based software that utilizes AI and machine learning to maximize the effectiveness of navigation, Care Continuity improves the health journey for health plan and payer members. Our technology integrates with independent EMRs, bridging a key technological communication gap that allows for payers to better track patient flow and care plan adherence, as well as network referral strength. 

Care Continuity’s technology is paired with a team of expertly trained patient navigators that work to compassionately navigate your member population to the next step in their care journey, ensuring they stay within the network and receive the care needed to avoid preventable acute events. The results of Care Continuity’s patient navigation show fewer acute events, higher care plan adherence, and greater patient satisfaction, all key metrics that can positively impact STAR ratings. 

In addition to your patient navigation team, all Care Continuity engagements include a program manager that uses decades of healthcare management experience to oversee the success of your program, highlight areas of network strength and vulnerability, and provide suggestions to optimize and grow your footprint.